Words- The Driver of change
“Don’t cry like a girl”
“She wears the pants in the family”
“Be a Man”
“He gossips like an aunty”
“He runs /throws like a girl”
“The fairer sex”
How often have we come across or used these phrases ourselves?
What is common amongst all of these and many more such phrases. All of these undermine the essence of gender parity.
With Women’s day round the corner lot of social media campaigns and influencer activities would emerge out the creative heads of the czars of the marketing world. We would discuss topics on gender equality, inclusion, women empowerment for a week before resuming the monotony of our lives. Similarly, we would put up a rainbow filter to show our solidarity with a cause when the need arises.
This is all done in good faith no doubt and for a good cause. At the same we need to address the power words hold in shaping how these stereotypes infringe our daily lives.
Words and phrases have the power to change or shape the mere fabric of the societal norms we imbibe on a daily basis.
Every time we associate phrases which differentiates rather disparately, the qualities to a gender and shows one stronger or weaker than the other, we inadvertently are moulding the future generations if not just furthering the existing biases.
Why is only “Be a Man” a phrase to associate fortitude and strength, “Don’t cry like girl”- reflective of emotional weakness, or gossip associated with a gender, or gait of differentiated body language associated with a community.
All these phrases, used on a daily basis in a harmless manner are in fact furthering these existential biases in our society.
While its great that as a society at large we are moving towards equality for all, lets also start with removing the use of such “harmless phrases” from our daily use and challenge those using it.
So that at least the future generation doesn’t associate phrases like “like a girl” for weakness.
I have a daughter and I would rather have her believe that “like a girl” is phrase reckoned with strength of character and courage than reflective of any weakness!
Wouldn’t you?