Emalda Philip

3 ways to break the worry Habit

  1. “Mind Drainage”
  2. Practise affirmation
  3. Give Gratitude

Often, we carry the baggage of worry, anxiousness and insecurity in pursuit of our goals.

If the journey is not enjoyed, sometimes, the victory seems unfulfilling.

I used to worry and overthink before every project presentation, no matter how well prepared I was or how well the project was doing.

My mind used to be in overdrive all the time, creating idea by the hour, critiquing it, snubbing it even before it was expressed. Worst affected were my sleep cycles, which inevitably impacted my health.

The introduction of these 3 micro habits in my pre-sleep ritual, not only calmed my mind and stopped it from the chronic overthinking but also, I could get the much-needed rest so that I could start my day with power packed enthusiasm and energy.

  1. Mind Drainage- Norman Vincent Peale explains mind drainage as- ‘picturing all worry thoughts flowing out’ as you would let water flow from a basin by removing the drain stopper. Every night before sleep I simply imagine draining all the negative thoughts, doubts, fears and worries. With practice this simple imagination makes one feel extremely light, relaxed and centered. I drain off all the destructive feedback, uncertainty and hurt every night just by this 2-minute imaginative drain technique.
  2. Practise Affirmation- Mind cannot remain empty for long, hence its imperative that we fill it with affirmations. I usually affirm the outcome I would love to have if it’s a worry bothering me or if I am passionately pursuing a goal, I imagine achieving it in the greatest of detail, to the extent of truly feeling the emotion I would feel when I would achieve it. This detailing and feeling brings such pure joy that it gives a sense of fulfilment as though I am truly living my life’s purpose.
  3. Gratitude- I used to be the most hyper reactive person, this emotion and the action ensuing it would lurk in my mind long after the event actually happened especially just before sleep when the events of the whole day normally flash in your head.    Giving gratitude is the single most positive act anyone can do to be in control of any situation or emotion. If we can master the art of seeing a silver lining in the darkest of clouds and be honestly grateful for it, we can truly break the habit of worry and overcome it in the blink of an eye. Gratitude when followed by affirmation is the elixir to all worries, doubts and fears.

These 3 steps have truly helped me break my worry habit. I highly recommend this to my fellow chronic overthinkers and those who relive words and events long after they have transpired. May you enjoy the journey as well in the pursuit of your goals.

My heartfelt gratitude to all the authors whose profound words brought in the change in me and helped me introduce these micro habits in my life.

3 ways to break the worry Habit